Our learning model

Low ratios allow our extraordinary instructors to meet your student where they are, to modify curriculum, assignments, and tests to ensure that each student is truly learning the material in a stress-free environment. Our students learn best with hands on projects, movement, music, and other multi-media methods of teaching.
Each student’s curriculum is uniquely designed according to their individual and specialized needs. This will typically look like:
3:1 student/teacher ratio in English Language Arts, Reading Comprehension, and Math
5:1 student/teacher ratio in Science, Science Lab, History, Geography, Executive Functioning, Music, Art and Language
Working with the JCC, our unique physical education program offers students classes such as aquatics, tae kwon do, tennis, yoga, and conditioning throughout the week. Incorporating our whole-child vision, science and/or history classes include a hands-on weekly lab. Throughout the year we offer field trips, team building and service projects centered around the curriculum. Trust, team building exercises and other accelerated experiential adventures are incorporated to enhance our program.
Our instructors teach a multi-sensory curriculum that helps students absorb and retain information. Instructors also provide students with strategies that help build on their academic skills. Our reading instructors have a variety of expertise and training in Orton Gillingham. Writing courses incorporate project-based learning, research skills, and public speaking.
Our parents are our guides. We coordinate and collaborate with them every step of the way. Although we structure our curriculum to ensure well-rounded and thorough lessons – we also work with parents to understand and meet the future goals of each student.